
Oil and Gas Industry Control Systems

February 20, 2024


After working on countless power generation solutions, we saw the need for a more powerful, streamlined power plant controller. Therefore, we created it. Discover Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for our Oil and Gas Industry control systems and the power of the PRISMECS Universal Master Control Panel.

Introducing the UMCP-100

The clear choice for applications that require flexibility and low cost when looking for Oil and Gas Industry control systems includes the following features:

Application: 50MW, 100MW and 150MW power plants

Design: Compact to enable easy installation in tight spaces

Hardware Signals: AI, DI, DO and AO options

Connectivity: Meets requirements for MODBUS TCP, MODBUS RTU/ASCII, DNP3.0 and IEC61850 protocols

Deployment: Fast-track completion and delivery with minimal installation and commissioning time

Support: End-to-end, 24/7 service from an experienced team who understands plant operations

Additional Features

  • Built-in SCADA, SIS, and Fire Safety Control Systems
  • Easy integration with existing SCADA
  • 25% spare options for IO cards, panel space, and SCADA screens
  • PLC programming per ISA and IEC standards
  • IP 65-rated panel
  • Historian for easy access to critical plant data

Non-consolidated Oil and Gas Industry control systems require large operational teams, can create safety issues, and make diagnosing problems an uphill battle. With PRISMECS’ Universal Master Control Panel, operators are finally taking back control of their power plants.

These are the benefits of the Prismecs UMCP as compared to Oil and Gas Industry control systems:

  • Reduce opex via fewer operators, quick installation, and the elimination of specialized personnel.
  • Achieve an operator-friendly interface.
  • Flatten your plant’s architecture.
  • Diagnose problems quickly to decrease downtime.
  • Easily access plant downtime figures, trip causes, and more.
  • Enhance safety by responding to accidents faster.
  • Expedite training by removing unnecessary technologies.
  • Reduce redundancy and its associated costs and downtime.

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